Genre: Thrash Metal
Country: Indonesia
01. Waktu
02. Revolution
03. Original Pain
04. Redam Emosi
05. Kebenaran
06. MKMK
07. Tak Ada Yang Sempurna
08. Hanya Bisa Bernyanyi
09. Indah
1. Day to Embrace (Indonesia Indiepop Scene)
2. Behind the Angel - Obsessions Make My Life Worse and My Love Better (EP)
3. Kota Hujan - Album Compilation
4. Hidden Message - Yesterday or Tomorrow (EP)
5. Endah n' Rhesa - Nowhere To Go (Repackaged)
6. The S.I.G.I.T - Hertz Dyslexia (EP)
7. Topi Jerami - Pertunjukkan Hari Esok (EP)